Sixty Four at Sumaiyah’s! | Community Packing Days


It’s not enough to ask you to take our word for it that awesome people are doing awesome things in Perth. That’s why we’re kicking off our Community Packing Day spotlight series with Sumaiyah & her crew – our biggest collection and gathering to date!

Sumaiyah found out about hosting a Community Packing Day through our June newsletter (plug, plug: sign up for our newsletter).

“We were sitting at a friend’s daughter’s wedding and thought up the idea then. We wanted to get together to do something good and sent an email [to HFB] right then and there.”

Sumaiyah along with her family and friends held a community Eid dinner where they raised a whopping $330 for the project!


She continued raising funds after that event through her networks, aiming to donate 30 boxes worth of food.

However, come their packing day, they had collected enough donations for 64 boxes! That’s over a thousand dollars worth of food!


Words can’t express how wonderful it was to hear from Sumaiyah and her team as well as attend their little backyard packing day.

Sumaiyah’s family has now pledged to donate 10 boxes per month for the project, bringing the initiative into their home on an ongoing basis.

HFB-Perth would like to send a massive thank you and shout out to Sumaiyah and her crew for all of their efforts and contribution!

YOU can also host your own packing day with your family and friends – get in touch with us today to find out how:


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